Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Colville Area Arts Community

The Colville Arts Foundation Gallery! That has a nice ring to it. What if today was the beginning of something larger than ourselves? What if today was the day we took the first steps toward making the place we live into an art community, a place where tourists came to experience regional arts? A place where the arts didn't just survive but THRIVED?

It has to begin with "I." I am part of the community. Community, being a term which implies collective activity - or doing things together. My community has culture. That is not to say my community has a sense of refinement that requires art be treated as a commodity but rather that my community carries distinct assumptions, distinct traditions and behaviors. "I" contribute to this collective social existence which embodies the best and worst of social practices that determine our local culture. "I" try to communicate and navigate my way through all that my community has to offer.

So, what can "I" offer my community in order to help the arts thrive? Currently "I" do not know "you." As long as you and I do know know we each have a creative truth to share then we will not grow and thus "we" have nothing to offer. If, however, "we" begin to share and work together then our art community will begin to THRIVE.

Let's get together!