Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Arts, Design & Accessibility

Can the arts, design and accessibility converge? What would happen if art was created in a form a more people could appreciate? What if art pieces, rather than being behind glass, were tactile experiences?

If you know someone who is blind or has a sight impairment you might consider asking them if they understand why so many artists exclude them from experiencing their work.

What can the arts foundation do to facilitate art that is not only tactile but can be experience at many levels by many people with a diverse set of abilities? We will be exploring this question at the Colville Arts Foundation along with other pertinent questions that will help us serve our community and globe in a much more effective way.


1 comment:

Chris Paige said...

This is an excellent idea to explore. Would make an interesting project for our community. Creating tactile art would not only benefit those who are visually challenged but could also be another way to share art appreciation with children at an earlier age. How often are we told "Don't Touch" here instead the concept would be "Please Touch!!"

Worthwhile idea. :)
