How cool it would be for kids to have a birthday party making art! well, Megan did just that when she turned 10 in September.
she had two friends show up to experience Lifecasting with her. The girls casted their hands in plaster. After a week of curing the plaster hands can be painted. they will be perfect for setting on a dresser to hold rings, etc.
Megan's mom showed up at the gallery early to decorate the classroom.
After the girls arrived from school they spent time in the classroom they spent time discovering all the treats and talking. when they were ready, Artist, Shelly Kalua Graham explained lifecasting and helped the girls create a mold of their right hand.
Megan and Shelly made molds on guests hands

The girls kept exclaiming, "This is cool."
"This is so fun!"
After letting their hands sit in the molds until everything was set gave the girls a chance to wear the mold, use their left hands for eating and drinking and they spent more time talking.
Then their hands were carefully extracted from the molds and the plaster was mixed. The first batch of plaster was a bust and it had to be remixed then poured into the mold while the mold was shaken. the shaking was to help minimize bubbles in the final cast.

After cake and icecream the girls were ready to de-mold the final cast of their hands.

Happy - artful birthday Megan!

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